100% state owned companies, serving outstanding social and public safety interests. The goal of the companies is to use the resources efficiently and even strive towards profit oriented operation in a holding structure.
Bv. Holding Ltd.
Managing director: Ret. Colonel László Nagy
1054 Budapest, Steindl Imre u. 10.
Postal address: 1064 Budapest, Rózsa utca 75-79.
Phone: +36-1-301-8461
Web: http://www.bvholdingkft.hu/
E-mail: CCuTbvlAgRlcoKM52ykmNYnZob2xkaW5na2Z0QGJ2aG9sZGluZ2tmdC5odQ==
Állampuszta Ltd.
Managing director: Ret. Colonel Gyula Schneider
6327 Állampuszta 1.
Phone: +36 78 407 860
Fax: +36 78 807 890
Web: http://www.allampusztaikft.hu
E-mail: SoVDaNKLVr3Uc0YWxsYW1wdXN6dGFrZnRAdC1vbmxpbmUuaHU=
Main profile: cereal production, pig, neat, goat, sheep and horse farming, poultry farming, storing, cultivation services, forestry
Annamajor Ltd.
Managing director: Colonel Lóránt Laczkó
2471 Baracska, Annamajor 1.
Phone: + 36 22 454 099
Fax: +36 22 454 172
Web: http://www.annamajor.hu
E-mail: ppPuqG6kWmN2YYW5uYW1ham9yQHQtb25saW5lLmh1
Main profile: cereal production, vegatable groving for processing, fruits and herb production, pig, neat farming-bee-keeping, forestry production, vegetable and fruits trade, cultivation service, food store, baker's shop, bread and pastry production
Managing director: Colonel Balázs Váradi
1108 Budapest, Kozma u. 13.
Phone: +36 1 261 3961
Fax: +36 1 261 1874
Web: http://www.bufa.hu
E-mail: qzovMWLe3ij1YnVmYUBidWZhLmh1
Main profile: office furniture manufacturing, sports equipment manufacturing, timber manufacturing, wood article manufacturing
Managing director: Colonel Lóránt Szakolczai
2600 Vác, Barabás Miklós i. 1.
Phone: +36 27 501 575
Fax: +36 27 501 576
Web: http://www.dunamix.hu
E-mail: fKzFrtIpY92gVZcZYkkdGl0a2Fyc2FnQGR1bmFtaXguaHU=
Main profile: printing and bookbinding, embroidery (rank insignia), metal workshop and joinery (cell door and prison furniture manufacturing), lease-works
Managing director: Colonel László Fogarasi
2316 Tököl, Ráckevei út 6.
Phone: +36 24 531 845
Fax: +36 24 531 846
Web: http://www.dunapapir.hu
E-mail: mSaTgRyODSGte2M0ZHVuYXBhcGlyQGludml0ZWwuaHU=
Main profile: household and hygenic paper manufacturing, paper manufacturing,book, newspaper and pepar retail, packaging
Ipoly Ltd.
Managing director: Colonel Sándor Nemszilaj
2660 Balassagyarmat, Madách u. 2.
Phone: +36 35 501 279
Fax: +36 35 501 278
Web: http://www.ipolycipo.hu
E-mail: yvEcqjtkytScHyO2DEaXBvbHlAaXBvbHljaXBvLmh1
Main profile: footwear manufacturing, clothing and footware trade
Adorján-Tex Ltd.
Managing director: Colonel Klára Koncz
6300 Kalocsa, Szent István király u. 26.
Phone: +36 78 563 630
Fax: +36 78 563 641
Web: www.adorjantex.hu
E-mail: KaabResmMSnZQsXAR9imEiz5W4ma29uZmVrY2lAdC1vbmxpbmUuaHU=
Main profile: uniform manufacturing, overclothes manufacturing, undergarment manufacturing, clothes, shoes, textil trade
Nagyfa-Alföld Ltd.
Managing director: Colonel János Borsi
6724 Szeged, Cserzy Mihály u. 11.
Phone: +36 62 426 679
Fax: +36 62 426 616
Web: http://invitel.hu/nagyfalkft
Main profile: cereal production, vegetable growing for processing, fruits and herb production, neat, goat, sheep and horse farming, poultry farming, cultivation, meat production, bread and pastry production
Nostra Ltd.
Managing director: Ret. Major General Tibor Frank
2629 Márianosztra, Pálosok tere 1.
Phone: +36 27 370 005
Fax: +36 27 370 014
Web: http://nostrakft.hu
E-mail: sQQxQGeQLJNt9mTWOzEOMMbm9zdHJhLmtmdEBpbnZpdGVsLmh1
Main profile: broom and brush production, wood products manufacturing, ceramic manufacturing, metal products manufacturing, sports equipment production
Pálhalma Agrospeciál Ltd.
Managing director: József Szántó
2407 Dunaújváros-Pálhalma
Phone: +36 25 286 524, +36 25 531 100
Fax: + 36 25 285 929
Web: www.agrospecial.hu
E-mail: ShCIXCVzdlczt9INMjTrOrwcEBhZ3Jvc3BlYy5odQ==
Main profile: cereal production, vegetable growing for processing, fruits and herb production, neat, goat, sheep and horse breeding, poultry breeding, cultivation, meet production, forestry
Sopronkõhida Ltd.
Managing director: György Farkas
9407 Sopronkőhida, Pesti Barnabás u. 25.
Phone: + 36 99 511 246
Fax: + 36 99 311 728
Web: www.skhkft.hu
Main profile: textil production, uniform manufacturing, overclothes manufacturing, undergarment manufacturing, metal-work, laudry service, pallet manufacturing.